Friday, May 11, 2007


Mexico is one of the countries with the greatest biodiversity on earth. This becomes quite obvious especially during the nights... Huge amounts of flying things, cockroaches, flying bugs, mosquitos, other flying stuff, rhinozerus bugs, spiders and ugly toads gather around the light and eat one another... it's really fun! Buen provecho...
One of the tings I didn't know is that Tarantulas are totally harmless and cute!! The other night we saw one crossing the street on our way down to the village. It is a weird feeling to have that huge hairy and leggy thing crawling up your arms and face... However, it would never bite you as long as you don't mess around with it!
We also saw a coral snake, this time a real one!! Black, red, yellow, I had to think of the German flag :) Schlaaaand!!


Anonymous said...

...also ich weiss ne riesen spinne hat ja noch was, aber der rest...ich HASSE kakerlaken! ekliges zeug...vorallem wenn 100 zerstückelt in deinem zimmer rumliegen!!! colima lässt grüssen, gell alexa...
naja, pass bloss auf, dass die die was tun könnten nciht irgendwann mal nen schlechten tag haben und dir übern weg laufen...

Anonymous said...

hey largartija!!! espero que estes bien!! me encanta tu nuevo estilo de vida, yo ya estoy iniciendo el mio aki en Canada, cuando kieras te recibo! cuidate mucho y a mi pulsera tamb. espero que todavia la tengas canijo!!! se te kiere y se te extrana!!!

Anonymous said...

...also ICH würde die Kakerlaken in Kauf nehmen wenn ich dafür in Mexiko wäre :-)...genieß die Zeit Steffl und trink ein paar Modelos für mich mit...wielang bleibstn noch in Mexiko? un besito Alexa

Anonymous said...

Ich sag nur GUÁCALA!!!! Besonders zu dem Viech mit den 8 Beinen!
Ansonsten, SCHLAAND! ;-)

Anonymous said...

mis amigos....las cucarachas=)... che viejo como anda la vida? hace mucho ke no pusiste nada ponete las pilas y pona mas fotos. kiero ver fotos del escalador steffl puto;)


cheers! Michi