Friday, April 13, 2007

El Potrero Chico

When I got on the bus to Monterrey I realized that this would be the first trip that I do all alone… poor Steiff!! Colima, London, South Africa… I always had someone to travel or stay with. Here goes the adventure! After 16 hours on the bus I arrived at the town of Hidalgo, half an hour north of Monterrey. The guy behind the ticket desk had probably had sex that morning, because he was happy to give me the 50 percent student discount without possessing a national ID, which saved me 20 Euros! (do the maths yourself…)

Hidalgo is a tiny shithole with less than nothing to do. Market days are Tuesday and Friday, you can get nice fruits and vegetables there, rice and beans… all a man’s heart is beating for… There are also some fancy restaurants, but not a single bar or club… But, who would like to go out in town when having these fuckin’ huge limestone walls with approx. 600 routes and an incredible view just in their face, anyways? It’s actually really nice to hang out with the others after coming back from climbing, relax and have some beers…

The Potrero Chico is a climber’s paradise, just a 30 minute walk from the center of Hidalgo. There are some ranches and hostels with campgrounds and stuff, a shop, café and restaurant. In winter everything is packed with climbers, right now there are only a couple of people and some shops already shut down until season starts again in October. This lowers the prices dramatically, but it’s still not cheap. I pay around seven Euros per night for a room with shared kitchen, but I’m the only one in there anyway…

Most of the people here are from the States, Canada or Mexico City, so I already start to talk a weird mix of different Spanish and English accents... During the three days here I was always able to find somebody to do some easy climbing with me, although most of the guys are very experienced. I love the mentality of the climbers here, and their easy and simple lifestyle. They are totally open minded, friendly and happy to share anything. All they need is a rock, something to sleep on and beans... I learn a lot about life here, and the art to reläx... Let’s see how things go on…

I went climbing with Carlos, Cecile and Marta this morning, but at noon the sun came out and fucked us, there was just no way to go on at that wall. So we decided to drive to the city, get some chicken and green stuff, beer and wood and did an awesome barbecue just next to a pool with ice cold mountain spring water... Sweet!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

La Largatija....Anscheinend hast nix von dem Erdbeben mitbekommen?
Ich hör grad Musik aus unserer Zeit in Mexiko und im Moment gibts glaub ich keinen Menschen auf der Welt, auf den ich neidischer sein könnt.... Laß es Dir gut gehen oder a lo mexicano:Que te vaya bien! Cuidate y tqm!